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The steps involved in purchasing a home in Spain

Purchasing real estate in Spain often follows these steps. The buyer first submits an offer. In the event that this is approved, a preliminary contract (contrato privado de compravento) is…

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Discount Stores in My Area: The Top 5 Advantages of Discount Store Purchasing

Looking for methods to stretch your money is always a smart idea, especially in the contemporary, frugal world we live in. Nowadays, it’s usual practice to look around for the…

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How to Spot Showflat Tricks: Six Pointers for Purchasing a New Launch Condo

Imagine expecting a rerun of your showflat experience as you excitedly open the door to your new launch apartment, only to be met with empty walls, no furnishings, and a…

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Six Motives for Purchasing a Home Lift

What pictures come to mind when you think about an in-home elevator? Maybe your picture is of an opulent home with several stories and an elevator that gracefully moves guests…

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