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The steps involved in purchasing a home in Spain

Purchasing real estate in Spain often follows these steps. The buyer first submits an offer. In the event that this is approved, a preliminary contract (contrato privado de compravento) is…

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4 Steps to Getting a Small Business Loan Without Collateral

One thing to think about when you need a small business loan is if you’ll be required to provide collateral. This might be for funding your company’s next phase of…

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Seven Steps for Selling Your Business

Selling a small business is a difficult endeavor with many factors to take into account. As you go forward, you might need to hire a broker, accountant, and/or lawyer. Whether…

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How to Make a Professional Podcast in 5 Easy Steps

As you are aware, podcasting is a quickly expanding industry if you have been following the most recent news in the media and technology. In actuality, there were 48 million…

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